30.4.2022 18.00h Geigenbauwerkstatt Valentin Oelmüller, Potsdam


introducing the Lyra Polyversalis

with June Telletxea, voice, Wolfgang Eger, percussion, Andreas Arend, lyra


8.5.2022 17.00h Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern

Meisterkonzert mit Nils Mönkemeyer & friends

with Nils Mönkemeyer, viola, Sabine Erdmann, harpsichord, Andreas Arend, theorbo, a.o.


13.5.2022 19.00h Schlosskirche Haigerloch


french baroque music with Hille Perl, viola da gamba, Andreas Arend, theorbo


15.5.2022 19.00h St. Marthakirche Nürnberg

Ballads within a dream (due to corona: premiere!)

Clare Wilkinson, voice, Veronika Skuolik, violin, Hille Perl, viola da gamba, Andreas Arend, theorbo


21.5.2022 20.00h Donauhallen Donaueschingen

Konzert with the Sheridan Ensemble: Chacona, Lamento, Walking Blues

A. Arend, lyra polyversalis

25.5.2022 19.30h Markgräfliches Opernhaus Bayreuth

concert with the Sheridan Ensemble: Chacona, Lamento, Walking Blues

A. Arend, lyra polyversalis


2.6.2022 20.00h Tyska Kirkan, Stockholm

Stockholm early music festival

Solkungens drömmar och danser

french baroque music with H. Perl, viola da gamba, S. Player, guitar & dance, A.Arend, theorbo


6.6.2022 20.00h Schlossmediale Werdenberg

Ballads within a dream (extended programme)

Clare Wilkinson, voice, Veronika Skuolik, violin, Hille Perl, viola da gamba, Andreas Arend, theorbo, lyra polyversalis


12.6.2022 17.00h Souvenirs de Pays Basque

Baskische Gesänge im Dialog mit Alter Musik

Konzertreihe Titans Rising, Kirche am Lietzensee, Herbartstrasse 4, 14057 Berlin

with June Telletxea, voice and percussion, Andreas Arend, lute and lyra polyversalis.